Yellow Submarine 18 Milano

Price: $ 88.00

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Yellow Submarine

This is a hummingbird magnet! Orange Rocket Salvia bursts forth with carmine orange flowers that go all season long. Deadheading and trimming spent flowers encourages a continual flush of color. The base planting of petunia and helichrysum brings out the warm color tones of this combination. Place this one where you want to watch the pollinators do their thing!


  • Light: SUN to PART SHADE
  • Combination Size: 41"h x 28"w
  • Care: Water thoroughly until water runs out the bottom of the container every few days in summer and more frequently during heat spells. The petunia will be the first plant to tell you the planter is too dry. Deadheading spent flowers will encourage a nice reflush of color.


SKU:  SP359

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